Random Walk on a Graph. Part 2.

In a previous post we considered a random walk problem on a graph. For a graph G we start a walk from any vertex v_1. Every time we get to a vertex v, we exit it along an edge incident with v with equal probability. Denote by L(v_1,v_2) the event that the last new vertex is v_2, that is, when we visit v_2 all the other vertices of G are already visited and we visit v_2 for the first time. We proved that in case G is a cycle with n vertices P(L(v_1,v_2))=\frac{1}{n-1} for any two distinct vertices v_1,v_2. In this blog post we discuss a reverse result of Laszlo Lovasz and Peter Winkler [1] that there are no other non-trivial graphs with the same property. Further, I closely follow the paper [2].

Theorem. (Lovasz-Winkler, 1993, [1]). Let G be a simple connected graph with set vertices V. Denote by L(u,v), u,v\in V the event that a random walk starting at u ends at v as the last new covered vertex. Suppose

\displaystyle P(L(u,v_1))=P(L(u,v_2))\qquad (1)

holds for any vertices u,v_1,v_2\in V. Then G is either a cycle or a complete graph.

Suppose the graph G satisfies (1). It means P(L(u,v_1))=1/(|V|-1) for any u,v_1\in V, u\neq v_1. We should rule out all possibilities except G being a cycle or a complete graph. This filtering is based on two observations. The first one is a trivial, the other is also intuitive.

Observation. 1. The graph G must be 2-connected, i.e. removing any vertex of G leaves G still connected.

Indeed, suppose it’s false and removing a vertex v makes G fall apart into two components, say G_1,G_2. Take any vertices v_1\in G_1, v_2\in G_2. Then P(L(v_1,v))=0 since it’s impossible to start from v_1, visit all the other vertices of G and end up in v as the last visited new vertex – in order to visit v_2 we should pass through v first.

Observation 2. Let v_1,v_2 be two vertices of G that are not adjacent. Then there exists a neighboring vertex u of v_1 such that

\displaystyle P(L(u,v_2))\le P(L(v_1,v_2))\qquad (2).

Moreover, if after deleting v_1 and v_2, the resulting graph is still connected, then this inequality can be made strict.

Sketch of a proof. Maybe, at first look it looks complicated, but it’s not. Let’s see what happens if we assume (2) fails for all u adjacent to v_1, that is, P(L(u,v_2))> P(L(v_1,v_2)) holds for all u\in N(v_1) where N(v_1) denotes the set of neighbors of v_1. So, we start our random journey from v_1 and there is P(L(v_1,v_2)) probability that we end up at v_2 as the last new vertex.

But, after the first move, we are somewhere in N(v_1) and after that there is a greater probability that we land at v_2, moreover, we are not obliged any more to hit v_1. This is impossible. Hence, either there is u\in N(v_1) for which the inequality (2) is strict, or

\displaystyle P(L(u,v_2))= P(L(v_1,v_2))\qquad (3)

for all u\in N(v_1). Suppose now, G remains connected after removing v_1 and v_2. It means there is a path that starts from any u\in N(v_1), visits all the other vertices, except v_1 and v_2 and finally lands at v_2. This path has a certain non-zero probability to happen, which means that being in N(v_1) there is a greater probability to land at v_2 than starting from v_1. Of course this is not possible. \square

These observations are enough to narrow down the possible graphs that satisfy (1). Suppose G is a graph like that. It means

1) G is 2-connected (removing any vertex leaves the graph still connected).
2) Removing any two non-adjacent vertices of G makes it disconnected.

Now, it boils down to prove that any graph that satisfies 1) and 2) is either a cycle or a complete graph. The proof of this claim is not present in [2] and I don’t know how it was done in the original paper [1] of Lovasz and Winkler, I haven’t seen it. Here is a possible approach.
Let’s take a spanning tree T of G using depth- first-search algorithm starting from a root v_0. This algorithm guarantees T has not cross edges, i.e. all the edges of G that are not edges in T connect comparable vertices in T. If T has more than 1 leaf then those leaves are not connected (in G) and removing two of them results in still connected graph. Hence, T contains only one leaf, that is, T is a path starting from v_0 and ending at v_{n-1}. Note that v_0 and v_{n-1} should be connected (in G) because otherwise we can remove them both and the graph would be connected. Thus, there exists a cycle C=v_0v_1\dots v_{n-1}v_0 that passes through all the vertices of G. If there are no other edges, G is a cycle. Suppose it has a chord that connects v_i and v_j

Now, if there exists a pair of red and blue vertex that are not connected (see fig. 2), we can remove them and the graph would be still connected. Thus, any red point is connected to any blue one. Further, if there exist two vertices v_k,v_{\ell} that are not connected we can remove them, again contradicting the condition 2). Hence, G is a complete graph. That is it.

[1] L. Lovasz and P. Winkler (1993), A Note on the Last New Vertex visited by a Random Walk, Journal of Graph Theory 17, 593–596.
[2] Tim Dwyer, Uniform distribution of last new vertex in random walk on a graph determines (almost) the graph.
[3] AoPS thread.
[4] A Random Walk on a Graph. Part 1.

Random Walk on a Graph. Part 1.

The problem that follows was told to me by a friend, and shocked me at first, because the claim is counter-intuitive! It was about a random walk. A few sentences about what a random walk is. Assume, a tourist travels around a country, which consists of cities, some of them connected with roads. Every time, he arrives at a city X, he chooses the next city between those connected to X (including the city he came from) with equal probability. The journey ends at the moment all cities are visited, that is when all the cities (nodes) are covered.
So, the problem was about a random walk on a circle with n+1 nodes x_0, x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n. We start our journey from x_0 – see Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

We are interested what is the probability that the walk finishes at the node x_i, that is, the last new covered vertex would be x_i, i=1,2,\dots,n. The strange fact is that this probability does not depend on the final vertex. The question that arises is: do there exist other graphs with this property? Laszlo Lovasz and Peter Winkler proved that the only graphs for which this property holds are the cycle and the complete graph. The intent of this blog post is 1) to prove the cycle has the mentioned property, and 2) to sketch the proof of the Lovasz-Winkler result. Perhaps, the second goal will be the topic of my next blog post.
Definition. Let G(V,E) be a graph. We denote by L(x,y) the event that a random walk starting from a vertex x\in V, ends at a vertex y\in V and y is the last new covered vertex visited, that is, when we arrive at y all the other vertices are already visited and we visit y for the first time.
Note that with this definition, the probability of the event L(x,x) is 0 since starting from x it is already visited at the very beginning.

1. Random Walk on a Circle.

Claim. Let the graph G be a cycle with n vertices x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n. Then P(L(x_i,x_j))=\frac{1}{n-1},i,j=1,\dots,n,i\neq j.

I made the following wording of this claim, just for fun, and posted it on AoPS forum (see [2]). In this version the final point T (the dark tower) is fixed, and we prove that all P(L(x,T)), x\in V are equal (to 1/n). By symmetry it is true for any two other distinct vertices x,y\in V.

Problem 1. Sauron, the king of Mordor, decided to go on a vacation and locked his Dark Tower with n keys, n\in\mathbf{N}, n\ge 2. He distributed the keys into n houses, one key per house. The houses and the Dark Tower are disposed on a circular road. Frodo wants to break into the Dark Tower, so he must collect all the keys first. He starts his journey from some of the houses. Every time he visits a house, he picks up the key (if it wasn’t already taken) and tosses a fair coin to decide which of the two neighboring places to visit next. If Frodo arrives at the Dark Tower before collecting all the keys, he wouldn’t enter and will be eaten by Grendel, a monster that lurks around the Tower. Prove that the chance of Frodo not being eaten does not depend on which house he starts from.

Proof. We have n points 1,2,\dots,n on a circle plus one extra point T (the Tower). We start a random walk, starting from some point i, 1\le i\le n. Let P_n(i) be the probability that when we hit T for the first time, we have already visited all the other points 1,2,\dots,n. We prove P_n(i)=1/n, i=1,2,\dots,n. Let’s try to find some relation between P_n(i). Consider first the case when 2\le i\le n-1. Starting from i there is equal probability to jump at i-1 or at i+1. Despite that i is already visited, in both cases we should revisit it again in order T be the last point hit. Hence,

\displaystyle P_n(i)=\frac{1}{2}\big( P_n(i-1)+P_n(i+1)\big)\,,\,\forall i, 2\le i\le n-1\qquad(1)

The more interesting cases are i=1 and i=n. They are symmetrical, so it is enough to consider the former one.

Fig. 2

There is 1/2 probability that starting from the node 1 we jump to 2. In this hypothesis, the probability to arrive at T without revisiting 1, or revisiting the node 1 after all the keys are picked up, is exactly P_{n-1}(1). Indeed, we could think of this situation as if the node 1 is deleted, and we start at the first node to the left of T, that is, from 2. Moreover, the probability of revisiting 1 before we visit T and before we got all the keys is exactly 1-P_{n-1}(1). Assume this happens, we are again at 1 and there are some of keys missing. It means we haven’t visited the n-th house. Then, the probability of visiting T, after all the other nodes are visited, is again P_n(1), since the already visited vertices do not matter, we must revisit them again, because we have to visit the node n. This argument can be written down as follows:

\displaystyle P_n(1)=\frac{1}{2}\Big(P_{n-1}(1) +\big(1-P_{n-1}(1)\big)P_n(1) \Big)\qquad (2)

You see, (2) is a recurrent relation that connects P_n(1) with P_{n-1}(1). Thus, knowing P_1(1) (which is 1) we can calculate all P_n(1),n=2,3,\dots. An easy induction yields P_n(1)=1/n. Hence,

\displaystyle P_n(1)=P_n(n)=\frac{1}{n}, n=1,2,\dots\qquad (3)

Now, (3) combined with (1) gives as a system of linear equations with respect to P_n(i),i=1,2,\dots,n which is easily solvable and we obtain \displaystyle P_n(i)=\frac{1}{n} for all i=1,2,\dots,n, which means that the probability of Frodo not being eaten does not depend on the house he starts from. (unfortunately thsi probability is small) \blacksquare

There is another approach possible, which is based on the equation (1) but does not use (2). We do no need to calculate explicitly P_n(1) and P_n(n). What really matters is they are equal by the mere symmetry. Assume, P_n(i),i=1,2,\dots,n-1 are not all equal. Then among P_n(i),i=2,3,\dots,n-1 there is one that’s either greater than P_n(1)=P_n(n) or less than it. Suppose, the former holds. Let P_n(k), 2\le k\le n-1 be the maximal among P_n(i),i=2,\dots,n-1 such that at least one of its neighbors is less that it. But, this contradicts (1) applied to i=k. The other case is similar. One can see this approach in more details in [3].

2. Random Walk on a Graph – Lovasz-Winkler Result.

Theorem (Lovasz-Winkler, 1993, [1]). Let G be a simple connected graph with set vertices V. Denote by L(u,v), u,v\in V the event that a random walk starting at u ends at v as the last new covered vertex. Suppose P(L(u,v_1))=P(L(u,v_2)) holds for any vertices u,v_1,v_2\in V. Then G is either a cycle or a complete graph.

I’ll discuss this result in more detail in the next blog post, but the idea is simple. Let v_1,v_2 be two vertices of G that are not adjacent. Then there exists a neighboring vertex u of v_1 such that P(L(u,v_2))\le P(L(v_1,v_2)). Moreover, if after deleting v_1 and v_2, the resulting graph is still connected, then this inequality can be made strict.

To the next part >>

[1] L. Lovasz and P. Winkler (1993), A Note on the Last New Vertex visited by a Random Walk, Journal of Graph Theory 17, 593–596.
[2] AoPS thread.
[3] Aditya Guha Roy’s blog post.
[4] A Random Walk on a Graph. Part 2.